Faculty Awards - University

Columbus Campus

ASC Diversity Enhancement Faculty Award: Recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of any faculty member or team of faculty members in the College of Arts and Sciences whose research, teaching and/or service/outreach activities promote diversity and support a culture that embraces and exhibits inclusive excellence, community, and openness.
Past recipients: Maria Miriti (2019), Zakee Sabree (2018).

ASC Distinguished College Professor Appointment: Honors full professor colleagues who have excelled in teaching, service, and research/creative activity, and whose work has demonstrated significant impact on their fields, students, college and university, and/or the public.
Past recipients: Allison Snow (2017).

ASC Harlan Hatcher Arts and Sciences Distinguished Faculty Award: Recognizes a full professor who has a truly exceptional record in teaching, research, and service.
Past recipients: Allison Snow (2015), Roy Stein (2004).

ASC Honors Faculty Service Award: Recognizes excellence in honors advising, honors instruction, honors committee work, and other honors initiatives and responsibilities which have enhanced the quality of education available to honors students in the liberal arts.
Past recipients: Dave Stetson (2012), Peter Curtis (2004).

ASC Susan M. Hartmann Mentoring and Leadership Award: Presented annually to a faculty member, regular staff member or student from within The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences who has demonstrated outstanding mentoring to and/or leadership on behalf of women or other historically underrepresented groups at the university. 

CGS James M. Siddens Award for Distinguished Faculty Advising: Recognizes those faculty who exemplify the best in graduate student advising at Ohio State. The only award of its kind on campus, this award is given annually each spring to one member of the graduate faculty.
Past recipients: Ralph Boerner (2007).

Distinguished University Professor: The Office of Academic Affairs awards the permanent, honorific title of Distinguished University Professor on a competitive basis to full professors who have truly exceptional records in teaching, in research, scholarly or creative work, and in service.
Past recipients: Dave Denlinger (2005).

Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Faculty Mentor of the Year Award: Recognizes a faculty member who has engaged in exceptional mentoring of postdoctoral scholars. The recipient of this award must have demonstrated a desire to encourage and implemented practices such as enhancing networking and career planning skills, and will have made an active effort to help their postdoc(s) prioritize professional development, work towards future career goals or create career plans.

Office of Research Distinguished Scholar Award: Among the highest annual honors The Ohio State University bestows on a faculty member in recognition of outstanding scholarly activity, research or creative works.
Past recipients: Lisle Gibbs (2019), Allison Snow (2001).

President and Provost's Award for Distinguished Faculty Service: Recognizes up to three tenure-track, clinical, or research faculty members who have been at Ohio State for at least five years.  Their contributions to the development and implementation of university policies and programs, through non-administrative roles, have been extensive and have made documentable impact on the quality of  the university.
Past recipients: Meg Daly (2020).

Regional Campus Awards


This award recognizes a faculty member for scholarship representing a significant contribution in the scholar’s discipline.

This award is a student-driven honor.

This award recognizes sustained excellence over several years in mentoring undergraduate scholarly or creative endeavors.

This award recognizes individuals for their contributions to the essential work of The Ohio State University at Lima at the highest level of excellence. Candidates are nominated based on meritorious service that is above and beyond the duties normally assigned to their positions. The nominees demonstrate and support the Buckeye idea of care for others, as well as carrying out the mission of the university on an ongoing basis. The nominees have taken remarkable initiative to develop, lead, and implement projects and events that have positively shaped the Ohio State Lima community. They exhibit a resilient attitude and encourage others to succeed alongside them. 

Mansfield Campus

The award will be given annually to one associated faculty/visiting professor and one tenure-track faculty member. The monetary amount of the award is $1,000. To be eligible for the award, an Ohio State Mansfield faculty member must meet the following qualifications: 

  • Be nominated (no self-nominations)
  • Have taught 12 credit hours on the Mansfield Campus within three semesters that the award is given
  • Have taught one full year on the Mansfield Campus (including current year, even though year is not finished)
  • Have not received the award within the past five years Excellence in Teaching Award Selection Committee 

The committee will include the six award winners from the three previous years and one student member selected by the committee. If one of the three faculty in either category has retired, left OSU or otherwise cannot serve, award winners from four or five years ago (i.e., faculty still not eligible for award) might be asked to rejoin the committee. The committee will be chaired by the tenure-track faculty member with the longest tenure on the committee unless the committee agrees on a substitute. Because associated faculty members do not have service obligations, their participation on the committee is optional (the chair should remind them of this each year). However, if all faculty are willing to serve, it is possible to divide the work of the committee in half based on category. Once the committee has chosen a winner in each category (see Timeline below), the committee will compose statements regarding why each recipient was chosen. The year’s previous winners in each category will read the statements when presenting the awards at the spring Day of Celebration event. Ohio State Mansfield students, faculty, staff, administrators, and recent alumni (from the past three years) are all eligible to nominate faculty. Students and recent alumni may only nominate instructors they have had in class. A valid nomination form must clearly state why a faculty member should be considered and be signed by the nominator. The chair of the committee will tabulate the names of nominees and remove the signatures from the nomination forms. Only the chair will have a record of the names of the people making nominations. All nominations will be reviewed for possible conflicts of interest and valid signatures. During the nomination period, the chair of the committee will consult with the Associate Dean or Student Services to verify that each nominee is eligible for the award based on the recipient qualifications and to verify the teaching category (associated faculty/visiting professor or tenure-track). 

In evaluating nominees, the committee will include the following information: 

  • Nomination Form
  • One course syllabus from the previous calendar year submitted by the nominee
  • A teaching philosophy submitted by the nominee
  • SEIs and comments from the previous calendar year submitted by the nominee (additional SEIs may be requested if the candidate has not taught 12 credits in the past academic year)
  • Recent peer evaluation of teaching letters submitted by the nominee (or class observations by the committee if letters are unavailable) 

Qualities to consider include: Classroom performance, Organization and presentation of material, Ability to stimulate students’ interest, Enthusiasm about subject matter and teaching, Evidence of creating and maintaining high intellectual standards, Attitude toward students, Availability outside the classroom, Interest in students’ success, Ability to communicate with students, Knowledge of subject, Intellectual rigor, Commitment to subject.


  • Circulate online nomination forms via Qualtrics 4-6 weeks before the end of autumn and spring semesters. You can use “go.osu.edu” to rename link (choosing something easy to remember).
  • Send out announcement for all faculty via email
  • Additionally, contact Student Life Programs Coordinator to begin advertising nomination period via DRM slides, in50, and social media sites 4-6 weeks before the end of each semester. She will create a slide and work with you on an announcement to appear in50. Have both run each week through the deadline.
  • The nomination period in Fall should end in the week before finals but should close earlier in the spring semester.
  • Notify nominees with a congratulations email (see the folder for an example). Be sure this email says that if you are not contacted within a week, you did not make the short list.
  • In Spring term, the chair should collate all nominations without names.
  • In Spring term, committee should read nominations and meet to choose a short list for both awards.
  • Invite faculty on short list to submit additional application materials by early April. In some years, it is possible to skip this phase (when the winners are obvious based on nominations alone).
  • If there is a short list and peer evaluation of teaching letters are unavailable for some candidates, perform classroom observations of those candidates in April.
  • Read materials and meet to select winner in each category by the end of April.
  • Send an email to those on short list who were not chosen as winners,
  • Notify Faculty Services Office Associate (Ann Ireland) of the winners’ names. She needs at least two weeks to make the plaques/get signatures before the Day of Celebration (which is typically held in early to mid-May). Also alert HR (or have faculty secretary alert them) as soon as possible to have the prize money added to an upcoming pay check
  • Winner should be informed in advance (usually by the winners of the previous year) so they are sure to attend luncheon. The winners’ identities are kept a secret from everyone else. Have the most recent teaching award winner write a speech (tip: if there were no short list materials gathered, ask winners for SEI narratives & use quotes from there or from nominations) and present plaque at the May Day of Celebration luncheon.

This award is intended both to recognize past accomplishment and to encourage continuing effort in research or other appropriate scholarly activities. The recipient of this award must be a tenure-track faculty member on the OSU Mansfield campus. The award may recognize a single, clearly outstanding contribution or a body of work accomplished over a period of years. The recipient of the award will be selected by a committee consisting of the past recipients of this award from the previous five years. The committee will be chaired by the person with the longest tenure on the committee. The chair of the committee will solicit nominations for the award from the full-time, tenure-track faculty. Self-nominations should also be encouraged. An announcement seeking nominations should be circulated no later than April 1. Letters of nomination should discuss why the nominated work is deserving of the award, describe the nature of the work, and, if possible, offer documentation as to the quality of the work. The nominator should also provide the committee chair with a copy of the nominee's vita, as well as relevant reprints, books, etc. The deadline for accepting nominations should be no later than April 15. In its deliberations the committee should seek additional information beyond the letter of nomination. The committee chair will contact the department chair of each nominee by letter, asking him/her to rate the quality of the nominee's scholarship relative to others in the department and on the regional campuses. Additional sources for this information might include letters from or conversation with local colleagues, departmental colleagues, the campus Dean and Associate Dean, the nominators, or the nominees. Obtaining such information, at least for finalists under consideration, is critical for the integrity of the award. Criteria that might be considered include (but are not limited to) reviews, citations, and journal or publisher reputation, as well as the committee's assessment of the general strength and quality of the effort in the context of being a regional campus faculty member. The recognized work should have been produced during employment as a faculty member at The Ohio State University at Mansfield. It is also essential that the person selected is clearly showing evidence of continuing scholarship. Individuals who came close to winning the award in a prior year should be given special consideration. Past recipients are not eligible for nomination for five years after receiving the award. When past recipients do become eligible, preference should be given to non-recipients unless the work of a past recipient in the years since receiving the award is clearly superior to all other efforts. The committee must select a single individual to receive the award (no ties). Announcement of the award recipient should be made by the previous year's winner at the annual Faculty Recognition Banquet or on some other appropriate occasion. The recipient of the award should be informed in advance by the committee chair. The monetary amount of the award is $1,000. The recipient is expected to offer a colloquium related to his or her scholarly activity at some time during the following academic year. This colloquium will be sponsored by the Professional Development Committee and will be open to faculty, staff, students, and the general public.

This award is intended both to recognize past accomplishment and to encourage continuing effort in service to the campus, the university, the profession, and the community. The award may recognize a single, clearly outstanding contribution or a body of work accomplished over a period of years. The recipient of this award must be a tenure-track faculty member on the OSU Mansfield campus. The recipient of the award will be selected by a committee consisting of the winners of this award from the previous five (5) years. The committee will be chaired by the past winner with the longest tenure on the committee. Nomination Process The chair of the committee will solicit nominations for the award from the fulltime, tenure track faculty. Self-nominations should also be encouraged. An announcement seeking nominations should be circulated no later than April 1. Letters of nomination should discuss why the nominee is deserving of the award, describe the nature of the service record, and, if possible, offer documentation as to the quality of the service record. The nominator should provide the committee chair with a copy of the nominee's vita, as well as an annotated list of service activities and accomplishments. The deadline for accepting nominations should be no later than April 15. Selection Process In its deliberations the committee may seek additional information beyond the nomination packet, particularly for those nominees who are considered by the committee to be finalists for the award. Sources of additional information might include letters from or conversation with local colleagues, departmental colleagues, the campus Dean and Associate Dean, community representatives, the nominators, or the nominees. The recognized work should have been completed during employment as a faculty member at The Ohio State University at Mansfield. In its deliberations, the committee should consider each nominee's service accomplishments within the context of the nominee's total workload, including scholarly productivity and teaching load. Individuals who came close to winning the award in a prior year should be given special consideration. Past recipients are not eligible for nomination for ten years after receiving the award. When past recipients do become eligible, preference should be given to nonrecipients unless the work of a past recipient in the years since receiving the award is clearly superior to all other efforts. The committee must select a single individual to receive the award (no ties). Announcement of the award recipient should be made by the previous year's winner at the annual Faculty-Staff Recognition Banquet or on some other appropriate occasion. The recipient of the award should be informed in advance by the committee chair. The monetary amount of the award is $1,000. This document is kept current by the Award for Service committee.

Marion Campus

This award honors two faculty members – one regular faculty member and one associated faculty member – for excellence in teaching. Chosen by the faculty, the recipient of this award is not announced until the awards program. Nominations from students and faculty go to the Teaching Awards Committee via a Qualtrics from the Teaching Awards Committee.

This award from the Griffin Honor Society, an honors and social organization that encourages academic excellence and success through participation in Honors Program classes and activities in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, recognizes superior undergraduate teaching by a senior lecturer, lecturer, instructor, or teaching associate at The Ohio State University Marion.

Newark Campus

[One for tenured, one for tenure track, and one for associated faculty]

I. Description of the Award

The award will be given annually to one lecturer/visiting assistant professor, one tenure-track faculty

member, and one tenured faculty member at Ohio State Newark.

A. Each recipient will receive $2500, a personal plaque and have his or her name added to the

permanent plaque.

B. The tenure-track and tenured recipient may choose a $1200 increase in base pay instead of


C. The tenured recipient may choose a one-time, one-course reduction in his or her teaching

load instead of a monetary award.

II. Recipient Qualifications

In order to be eligible for the award, an Ohio State Newark faculty member must meet the following


A. Be nominated (no self-nominations)

B. Be a full-time instructor on the Newark Campus during the academic year that the award is


C. Have not received the award (within a specific category) within the past three consecutive


III. Selection Subcommittee

A. The Ohio State Newark Professional Standards Committee will appoint the chair of the

selection subcommittee and two additional committee members to serve on the


B. The subcommittee will include the three winners from the previous year. If a winner is

unable to serve, the corresponding winner from two years prior will be appointed. If a

sufficient number of previous winners are unavailable, full-time faculty will be appointed in

place of previous winners.

C. The subcommittee will include two students appointed by the President of the Student Senate

and approved by a vote of the Senate.

IV. Nominations

A. Nomination forms will be made available electronically or as needed by the subcommittee

chair at the beginning of the 4th week of classes during the Spring Semester.

B. A request for nominations shall be placed in campus publications by the beginning of the 4th

week of classes during the Spring Semester.

Revised Autumn, 2018

C. Ohio State Newark students, faculty, administrators and alumni are all eligible to nominate

faculty. A valid nomination form must clearly state why a faculty member should be

considered and be signed by the nominator.

D. The deadline for receiving nominations is the end of the 6th week of the spring semester.

E. The Chair of the subcommittee will tabulate the names of nominees and remove the

signatures from the nomination forms. Only the chair will have a record of the names of the

persons making nominations. All nominations will be reviewed for possible conflicts of

interest and valid signatures.

F. During the nomination period, the chair of the subcommittee consults with the Associate

Dean of Academic Affairs to verify that each nominee is eligible for the award based on the

qualifications in section II and to verify the teaching category (lecturer/visiting assistant

professor, tenure-track, tenured).

V. Evaluation Process

A. In evaluating nominees, the subcommittee will include the following information:

a. Nomination form(s)

b. Syllabus

i. Nominee will submit one syllabus from the previous year

c. Student evaluations, such as SEIs (with comments), SDFs, and other evaluative (not

formative) student feedback

i. Nominee will submit all student evaluations for the previous 6 courses

d. Peer observations (most recent two) and/or Class observations by subcommittee

members of the top candidates

e. Student questionnaires distributed during class visits for all nominees

i. Visitations are arranged by the subcommittee

B. Criteria – A Distinguished Teacher Should:

1. Stimulate thinking and develop understanding, challenge students’ intellects,

encourage an open-minded attitude so that students become more self-directing in

their search for knowledge

2. Arouse students’ interest by making the subject matter significant to the students

in personal terms and in relation to the educational purposes of the department

and the university

3. Be highly skilled at exposition and demonstration, be able to answer students’

questions, clear up difficulties of understanding

4. Make good use of human and material resources that are available, make good use

of methods and techniques that are appropriate to the course and the specific class

or teaching situation

5. Set high standards for students, be rigorous in expectations and evaluation, give

students the security of reasonable and well-defined requirements, base judgments

of students on adequate evidence, keep students informed on their progress

6. Use fair and equitable evaluation procedures, inform students of these procedures

7. Be available to confer with students, willingly make provisions to confer with

students when other valid commitments prevent them from meeting with the

teacher during regularly scheduled conference hours

8. Be respected by the students

9. Be evaluated on excellence in research, in administrative duties, or in public

service only in so far as performance in these capacities helps to explain his/her

success as a teacher

C. The subcommittee chair will compose a written paragraph stating why each recipient was

chosen to be sent to the Newark Dean/Director requesting that the awardees be announced at

an appropriate occasion.

D. The Subcommittee Chair will read the award statements when presenting the award at the

Spring Faculty Dinner.

E. If the subcommittee chooses not to present an award in any academic year, it must announce

its decision to the Student Senate and to the Ohio State Newark Faculty Assembly.

F. The Subcommittee Chair sends a letter to each of the nominees thanking them for their

participation and indicating whether or not he/she won the award.

Timeline for Spring Semester:

a. Beginning of Week 4: distribute nomination forms

b. End of Week 6: nomination period closes

c. Week 7: notify nominees to submit application materials

d. End of Week 9: application materials should be submitted to the subcommittee chair

e. Week 10: distribute student questionnaires; subcommittee meets to select top

nominees in each category

f. Week 11: classroom observations of the top candidates

g. End of Week 12: select winner in each category 

[One for tenured and one for tenure track faculty]

I. Description of the Award

The Ohio State University Newark Scholarly Accomplishment Award recognizes two leading

scholars from among the Ohio State Newark regular faculty, one tenured and one tenure-track.

A. Recipients receive a personal plaque and their names will be engraved on a plaque

recording all awardees displayed at the Newark campus. The award shall also consist

of one of the following, at the option of the recipient:

a. A cash prize of $2500

b. A $1200 increase in base pay

c. A one-time, one-course reduction in teaching load to encourage and enable

further development of the recipient’s scholarship

II. Recipient Qualifications

By the beginning of the 4th week of the Spring semester, the Dean/Director’s office provides the

subcommittee chair with a list of names of the faculty who are eligible for the award by virtue of

the fact that they have been identified by the department chair as “exceeding expectations”

(above a score of 2) in scholarship for the previous three consecutive years.

A. Faculty who have received the award (within a specific category) in the previous five

years are not eligible.

III. Selection Subcommittee

A. At the beginning of Spring semester, the Professional Standards Committee elects from its

membership a chair and two other members of the Scholarly Accomplishment Award


B. The subcommittee includes the two winners of the award for the previous year.

a. If either of these is unavailable, the subcommittee chair will invite winners from prior

years to participate.

b. If required, the subcommittee chair can add one outside professional/academic

evaluator invited by the subcommittee.

C. No faculty member under consideration for the award may participate in the selection process

for that award.

IV. Nominations

A. Following receipt of the list of names of eligible faculty from the Dean/Director’s office, the

Chair contacts eligible faculty in each category to invite them to complete for the respective

awards. Those who choose to compete become the candidates for the award.

V. Evaluation Process

A. In evaluating nominees, the subcommittee will include the following information:

a. a current CV listing all publications, paper presentations, and anything else that

constitutes scholarship in the candidate’s field

b. two reference letters from scholars familiar with the candidate’s work, one from

an OSU colleague (may be the department chair but does not need to be) and one

from a peer outside OSU. These letters should be sent directly to the

subcommittee chair.

c. any relevant data on the quality of the published research (e.g., impact ratings or

journal acceptance rates), if available.

B. The subcommittee chair organizes subcommittee deliberations leading to the selection of

one winner at the tenure-track level and one winner at the tenured level.

C. The Subcommittee Chair writes a letter summarizing the winners’ accomplishments and

the distinguished qualities of those accomplishments and sends the letter to the Ohio

State Newark Dean/Director, requesting that the awardees be announced at an appropriate


D. The Subcommittee Chair will read the award statements when presenting the award at the

Spring Faculty Dinner.

E. The subcommittee chair sends a letter to each of the nominees thanking them for their

participation and indicating whether or not he/she won the award.

Timeline for Spring Semester

a. End of Week 4: obtain list of eligible faculty from the Dean/Director’s office

b. Week 5: notify nominees of eligibility and request to submit application materials

c. End of Week 9: application materials should be submitted to the subcommittee


d. End of Week 12: select recipient             


[One for tenured and one for tenure track faculty]

I. Description of the Award

The purpose of the OSUN Faculty Service Award is to recognize outstanding contributions in the

area of service by members of the OSUN faculty.

A. Two awards are given annually, one for tenured faculty and one for tenure-track

faculty. Such service may include:

a. Service with university-wide, department, college, or campus committees and


b. Service in scholarly and professional organizations

c. Service in consulting

d. Involvement in local, state, national, or international organizations,

committees, and agencies

e. Involvement with student groups

f. Service to professional publications as editor, associate editor, or reviewer

g. Service to the community

B. The recipient receives a personal plaque. The award shall also consist of one of the

following, at the option of the recipient:

a. A cash prize of $2500

b. A $1200 increase in base pay

II. Recipient Qualifications

In order to be eligible for the award, an OSUN faculty member must meet the following


A. Be nominated

B. Be a full-time teaching faculty member on the Newark campus

C. Have not received the award (within a specific category) in the previous three

consecutive years

III. Selection Subcommittee

A. The OSUN Professional Standards Committee will appoint the chair of the selection

subcommittee and two additional committee members to serve on the subcommittee.

B. The subcommittee will include the two winners from the previous year.

IV. Nominations

A. The Chair updates a Nomination Ballot of the current full-time teaching faculty,

indicating the recipients for the previous three years in each category.

B. The Chair numbers and distributes the Nomination Ballots to tenured and tenure-track

faculty and administration in the 4th week of classes during the Spring semester.

C. The deadline for returning the ballot is the end of the 6th week of classes during the

Spring semester.

D. After collecting nominations, the Chair notifies the nominees of their candidacy and

requests their packets of materials. In the event of less than two packets being received,

the Chair may invite the Dean/Director to submit further nominations.

V. Evaluation Process

A. In evaluating nominees, the Subcommittee will include the following information:

a. a listing and description of their service activities for the past three years

b. a brief CV

c. supporting letters and/or names of at least two individuals who can be contacted

to comment on the significance of the nominee’s service.

B. The subcommittee chair will compose a written paragraph stating why each recipient was

chosen to be sent to the Newark Dean/Director requesting that the awardees be

announced at an appropriate occasion.

C. The Subcommittee Chair will read the award statements when presenting the award at the

Spring Faculty Dinner.

D. The Chair sends notification of the award winners to Kris Read (read.23@osu.edu) to

update award list on website.

E. The Subcommittee Chair sends a letter to each of the nominees thanking them for their

participation and indicating whether or not he/she won the award.

Timeline for Spring Semester

a. Beginning of Week 4: distribute nomination forms

b. End of Week 6: nomination period closes

c. Week 7: notify nominees to submit application materials

d. End of Week 9: application materials should be submitted to the subcommittee


e. End of Week 12: select recipient

I. Description of the Award

The annual income of the Robert A. Barnes gift to The Ohio State University at Newark

Developmental Fund is to be used to provide an annual award for exemplary teaching to an Ohio

State Newark tenured faculty member who has established a record of excellent teaching at the

Newark campus for at least ten years.

A. The recipient receives a personal plaque, and the individual’s name will also be

engraved on a plaque displayed at the Newark campus. The award shall also consist

of one of the following, at the option of the recipient:

a. A cash prize of $3000

b. An equal amount of cash ($3000) for teaching-related travel provided

by the University

c. An equal amount of cash ($3000) for teaching-related publications or

equipment provided by the University for the recipient’s teaching area

(such to remain the property of the University)

II. Recipient Qualifications

In order to be eligible for the award, an Ohio State Newark faculty member must meet the

following qualifications:

A. Be nominated

B. Be a full-time tenured faculty member on the Newark Campus

C. Have not received the award in the past three consecutive years

III. Selection Subcommittee

A. The Barnes Award subcommittee of the Professional Standards Committee selects the

recipient. Members of the subcommittee who are candidates for the award will be

replaced by faculty selected by the chair of the Professional Standards Committee.

B. The subcommittee will include the recipient from the previous year.

IV. Nominations

A. Nomination forms, containing the list of eligible faculty, will be distributed by the

beginning of the 4th week of classes during the Spring semester.

B. All full-time Ohio State Newark faculty will received a numbered ballot and may

nominate one colleague from the list who are eligible for the award.

C. The deadline for receiving nominations is the end of the 6th week of the Spring


V. Evaluation Process

A. In evaluating nominees, the subcommittee will include the following information:

a. Cumulative SEI report from the past 10 years and any evaluative student

feedback (such as SDFs)

b. Syllabi

i. Nominee will submit three syllabi

c. Peer observations (all from the past 10 years) and/or Class observations by

subcommittee members

d. Up to three letters of support from individuals acquainted with the nominee’s


B. The subcommittee will compose a written paragraph stating why the recipient was

chosen. The paragraph will be read when presenting the award at the award


C. The Chair sends a letter to each of the nominees thanking them for their participation

and indicating whether or not they won the award.

Timeline for Spring Semester:

a. Beginning of Week 4: distribute nomination forms

b. End of Week 6: nomination period closes

c. Week 7: notify nominees to submit application materials

d. End of Week 9: application materials should be submitted to the subcommittee


e. Week 11: classroom observations of the top candidates (if needed)

f. End of Week 12: select recipient

The Faculty Award for Mentoring of Undergraduate Research recognizes a faculty member who exhibits the qualities of good mentorship, demonstrates an ability to inspire students and acts as a role model for methods of inquiry and ethical conduct for research. These are administered by the Student Matters Committee. Nominations are solicited from students in spring semester, similar to other awards.