The EE minor requires a subset of the core courses of the major, plus an additional course. Required supportive courses for the EE minor include: BIOLOGY 1113 and 1114, and CHEM 1210.
In addition to satisfying these requirements, the EE minor requires a minimum of 15 semester units, including core courses in Evolution (EEOB 3310.01 or .02, 4 units), Organismal Diversity (EEOB 3320, 3 units), and Ecology (EEOB 3410, 4 units). A student must select additional courses from the core categories of biodiversity and evolution/ecology as specified in the EE major. Honors versions of courses may be substituted in all cases.
A student who completes the minor following these guidelines need only file the Minor Program Form with a college/school counselor. Any variation from the program described above needs the approval of the coordinating advisor in the Department of EEOB, Sue Ellen Dehority (dehority.2@osu.edu).