Links to sites that list multiple funding sources
- Ohio State Scholarship Universe. Apply for hundreds of Ohio State special-eligibility scholarships and external scholarships with a wide variety of eligibility criteria at Scholarship Universe
- Cornell’s searchable database
- The National Academies links
- OSU’s Graduate School’s links (includes information for Presidential Fellowships)
- Collection of links hosted on fatomei
- Animal Behavior Society's list of sources (most with conservation emphasis)
Travel funds
- CGS Ray Travel Award for Scholarship and Service; quarterly competition
(Awards up to $750) - NSF’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI)
- OSU’s Office of International Affairs, International Dissertation/Theses Travel Grant
- U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program is designed to give recent B.S./B.A. graduates, master's and doctoral candidates, and developing professionals and artists opportunities for international experience, personal enrichment and an open exchange of ideas with citizens of other nations.
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
- NIH’s Research Training Grants
- EPA’s Star Fellowships for Graduate Environmental Study
- Great Lakes Commission-Sea Grant Fellowship for graduate students in a marine or aquatic-related field
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security Graduate Fellowships in Science & Technology
(stipend & tuition for first/second year graduate students) - Occasionally, the OSU Graduate School will offer Graduate Administrative Associate positions. Let the Graduate Studies Committee Chair know if you are interested in learning about these. Further, watch for emails from the GSC Chair announcing GAA positions
Specific Disciplines, Systems
- Animal Behaviour Society Student Research Grant
- American Livebearer Association’s Vern Parish Fund for research on livebearing fish.
- New England Botanical Club student research awards ($2000) for systematic botany, biosystematics, plant ecology, or plant conservation biology
- The Janice Carson Beatley Fund provides support for OSU EEOB graduate student fieldwork in the areas of plant systematics and plant ecology. Information will be circulated by the OSU Herbarium in April / May.
For Specific Populations
- American Association of University Women; Dissertation writing fellowships, Post-doctoral fellowships, summer publication grants for women.
- OSU’s Critical Difference for Women
- L’Oreal’s Women in Science Fellowship (Follow the link entitled "For Women in Science" at the top of the page)
- First-year graduate students
Phi Kappa Phi
- Fellowships for U.S. Minorities in Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, and Other Fields
- Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral, dissertation, and post-doctoral fellowships
Miscellaneous Opportunities
- IIASA's Young Scientists Summer opportunity to work in an international setting on projects ... to explore the policy implications of their work
- Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum, Present your research to win cash prizes/travel money.
Please help build and maintain this page by letting us know of new opportunities/links that can be posted or links/descriptions that need to be removed or updated.