The Hall Family Scholarship program provides students with majors in Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology (EEOB), Zoology, or Entomology with the opportunity to help fund academic experiences outside the classroom through grants of up to $3,000. Preference will be given to students with an interest in the environment and education. Eligible experiences are those directly related to the applicants’ field of study and may include, but are not limited to, research, creative work, and professional development.
Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of a student’s proposal, resume or CV, academic record, and budget. Applicants will be evaluated on the strength of presentation of their learning goals and the connection between these and their field of study. The impact of the project and the need for funding are important components of the grant application. Recipients will be selected by the Department of EEOB Awards Committee.
One to three scholarships will be awarded once a year.
General Guidelines:
- Applicants must be current, full-time undergraduate students (12+ Credit Hours) of the Columbus campus of The Ohio State University.
- Students must be in good academic standing at The Ohio State University.
- The total allowable request is $3,000. To ensure that as many students as possible receive at least some funding to support their experience, projects may be funded in part rather than at the requested amount, even if the total project cost is less than $3,000.
- Completed applications consisting of a single pdf file must be submitted via email to by 11:59pm of March 11, 2022. The email subject should read “Hall Family Scholarship application”.
Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to the following:
- Ohio State Tuition (General or Study Abroad Tuition)
- Registration and fees for conference or workshop
- Travel/housing for activity
- e.g., airfare, gas, hotel expenses
- Materials and supplies:
- Lab fees, computer software, etc.
- Any other materials required for activity, with rationale in budget proposal
- Media and technology support
- Expenses related to project undertaking and presentation e.g. online journal subscriptions, software expenses, or poster boards.
- Other expenses specified with rationale provided in application
Application Components
Applications must include the following items:
- Professional Resume or CV
- Must include basic and academic Information (first and last name, dot number, academic year, and major)
- Project Proposal (see more detailed instructions, below) (2 pages maximum).
- A brief description of the project and how it will be unique and academically enriching for the applicant. Project proposal should discuss the importance of the project in regard to both personal and professional growth.
- Budget Proposal (see more detailed instructions, below)
- An itemized breakdown of all the anticipated expenses related to the project. This should include expenses not planned to be covered by the grant, if student is selected to receive one. Student should follow up their chart/visual with a brief explanation of the expenses and the impact of receiving funding (few sentences to one paragraph).
- Submit all components combined into a single pdf file via email to
Detailed Proposal Instructions
- Provide a description of the project, describing the details, timeline, and overall purpose. Discuss why you want to do this project and what qualifies you for it. Relate this to the items on your resume/CV and to your academic experience
- Highlight how the funding will launch or advance your project. If the project is ongoing, describe the work already accomplished, your future goals, and the way in which the funding will impact these
- Describe the effect that you think the project will have on your academic, professional, and personal growth
- Here are some guiding questions to help you write this:
- What are your personal and academic learning goals for this experience?
- How will this experience allow you to achieve those goals?
- How is this experience related to your field of study?
- How will this experience further your personal and professional pursuits in your field of study?
Detailed Budget Proposal Instructions
All applications must include a budget proposal consisting of a list of expenses.
Your budget should include:
- Individual expense item(s) (e.g., airfare, ground travel, registration, housing, meals, printing costs for poster, materials and consumables)
- Vendor for each item, if known or applicable
- Brief explanation of expenses and the need for those expenses.
- Total project cost. Note that this may exceed the $3,000 allowed for the Hall Family Scholarship.
Undergraduate Research Scholarship: Awarded to an undergraduate in the College of Arts and Sciences who has attained junior standing. Awards generally range from $500 to $12,000 and are applied toward university tuition and fees.