The Evolution, Ecology, & Organismal Biology Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) welcomes applications for admission to the M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in Evolution, Ecology, & Organismal Biology. All applicants must have an academic faculty advisor before they will be admitted to the Evolution, Ecology, & Organismal Biology Graduate Program. We suggest you begin making contact with faculty with whom you may have research interest in early Autumn and please contact them several times in order to develop a rapport.
Applications for admission are due November 15 for programs beginning Autumn semester of the following academic year. By the time of admission, applicants must have earned a B.Sc. or B.A. from an accredited institution with a major in one of the life sciences. Course work in calculus, organic chemistry or biochemistry is required, physics and statistics are also strongly recommended.
The letters of recommendation, personal statement, and correspondence with any Evolution, Ecology, & Organismal Biology Graduate Faculty member should be uploaded directly to your electronic application. Letters of reference and statements of purpose should reflect on academic strengths as well as character and potential for scientific and community contribution.
If you have any questions, please contact Corey Ash at ash.33@osu.edu, or speak to Graduate and Professional Admissions.
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NEW Virtual Recruitment Resources!
Information regarding a variety of programs providing application fee waivers can be found on the Graduate and Professional Admissions website.

Admission Credentials
In addition to the Graduate School requirements, the EEOB Graduate Program requires:
- 40 quarter (32 semester) hours of biology
- 10 quarter (8 semester) hours of mathematics including calculus
- 15 quarter (12 semester) hours of chemistry including organic or biochemistry
And the EEOB graduate faculty members strongly recommend the following additional coursework:
- 10 quarter (8 semester) hours of physics
- 10 quarter (8 semester) hours of statistics
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores from the general aptitude (verbal, quantitative, and written) tests are not required of our program applicants. TOEFL scores are required of all International Student Applicants. Additional language assessment may be conducted by the university once admitted to The Ohio State University. Scores should be addressed to The Ohio State University using the code 1592.
Required Documents
An online application form. Paper applications are no longer available. Please note: This requires an online payment of an application fee. If you absolutely cannot use the electronic application, please contact Graduate Admissions:
- International Students: international.grad@osu.edu
- Domestic Students: domestic.grad@osu.edu
- A complete set of official transcripts. (Transcripts printed from a student account or stamped "Issued to Student" will not be accepted by the Office of Admissions; translations as necessary. For more detailed information on submission of official transcripts to The Ohio State University: Official Transcripts July 2016, Revised.)
- Three (3) letters of recommendation.
- Statement of Purpose and Research Interests. See our expectations for the statement of purpose in the Frequently Asked Questions.
- A Curriculum Vitae or Resume (generally 1-3 pages) is required of all applicants. The CV/resume is required in addition to the statement of intent.
Please refer to "2. What is expected for the Statement of Purpose and Research Interests?" on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Additional Requirement of Admission
All applicants must have an academic faculty advisor before they will be admitted to the Evolution, Ecology, & Organismal Biology Graduate Program (Explained further under Frequently Asked Questions).
Coalition for Next Generation Life Science
Ohio State is now an official member of the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science. The university joins many of the nation’s top graduate programs by making important information about admissions, retention, and time-to-degree public and easily accessible. The goal of this national program is to shed light on life sciences training, allowing applicants to make informed choices about their training and career paths. Find out more on Ohio State University's Coalition website.
Recruiting Faculty 2024:
- Rachelle Adams, only exceptional candidates; current NSF; OSU fellowship
- Robin Bagley, only exceptional candidates
- Alison Bennett, not currently recruiting
- Tanya Berger-Wolf, no information available
- Lindsey Bruckerhoff, actively recruiting more than 1 student, USFWS: available spring 2025, ODOT: available aug 2024
- Bryan Carstens, actively recruiting exceptional candidates with MS degrees but may consider those with a BS, funds for 2+ students potentially available.
- Andreas Chavez, no information available
- Meg Daly, only 1 exceptional student for mussel facility, funded GRA in collaboration with Ieva Roznere [mussel health & reproduction]
- John Freudenstein, actively recruiting more than 1, funding pending
- Susan Gershman, possibly recruiting 1, funding pending
- Lisle Gibbs, not currently recruiting
- Karen Goodell, currently recruiting 1, funding available
- Ian Hamilton, actively recruiting 1, funding pending
- Jennifer Hellman, not currently recruiting
- Jim Hood, not currently recruiting
- Steve Hovick, only exceptional candidates
- John Hunter, only exceptional candidates
- Marta Jarzyna, actively recruiting more than 1
- Laura Kubatko, actively recruiting 1, funding pending
- Carol Landry, no information available
- Stuart Ludsin, actively recruiting 1, funding available
- Maria Miriti, no information available
- James Mouton, actively recruiting 1
- Agus Munoz-Garcia, no information available
- Ryan Norris, not currently recruiting
- James Pease, only exceptional candidates
- Casey Pennock, actively recruiting more than 1 exceptional candidate, funding available
- Andy Roberts, no information available
- Zakee Sabree, no information available
- Frances Sivakoff, actively recruiting 1 student, funding pending
- Mandy Slate, actively recruiting 1 student