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The annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America was held 31 Oct – 03 Nov in Denver. Johanna Schwartz won the DeLong poster competition in the Department of Entomology, an award that…

The Great Lakes FST workshop will introduce participants to the intriguing study of fisheries science and will explore careers in fisheries ecology, management, and conservation. 


EEOB Professors Tanya Berger-Wolf and Bryan Carstens are helping to create a new field of study that could potentially transform biomedical, agricultural and basic biological sciences. The new…

Phoretic mite infestations associated with Rhynchophorus palmarum (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in southern California

Francesc Gómez-marco, Hans Klompen, Mark Hoddle. Systematic & Applied…

Maria Miriti, EEOB Associate Professor, uses experimental and demographic methods to address factors that regulate plant populations and communities. She joins David Staley, host of ASC's Voices…

Research on evolutionary advantages that accompany breeding limitations of small, isolated populations by EEOB professor, Lisle Gibbs, was featured in Ohio State News.

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Vampire bats whose “friendships” carry over from captivity to the wild also hunt together and meet up over meals after independent departures from the roost, according to a study co-authored by…

After 15 years of work, the Johnson lab's reclassification of the wasps they study has been published. View the paper on Wiley Online.

Herbivory shapes the rhizosphere bacterial microbiota in potato plants

Antonino Malacrinò, Mingyuan Wang, Sandra Caul, Alison J. Karley, and Alison E. Bennett. 2021. doi:10.1111/1758-2229.12998…