EEOB Publication - Bennett & Malacrino

November 22, 2024

EEOB Publication - Bennett & Malacrino

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Selenium alters the gene content but not the taxonomic composition of the soil microbiome

Alison E. Bennett, Scott Kelsey, Casey Saup, Mike Wilkins & Antonino Malacrinò. Environmental Microbiome. Volume 19, article number 92, (2024). 



Microbiomes, essential to ecosystem processes, face strong selective forces that can drive rapid evolutionary adaptation. However, our understanding of evolutionary processes within natural systems remains limited. We investigated evolution in response to naturally occurring selenium in soils of different geological parental materials on the Western Slope of Colorado. Our study focused on examining changes in gene frequencies within microbial communities in response to selenium exposure.


Despite expectations of taxonomic composition shifts and increased gene content changes at high-selenium sites, we found no significant alterations in microbial diversity or community composition. Surprisingly, we observed a significant increase in differentially abundant genes within high-selenium sites.


These findings are suggestive that selection within microbiomes primarily drives the accumulation of genes among existing microbial taxa, rather than microbial species turnover, in response to strong stressors like selenium. Our study highlights an unusual system that allows us to examine evolution in response to the same stressor annually in a non-model system, contributing to understanding microbiome evolution beyond model systems.