
Carstens receives Distinguished Scholar Award
EEOB Professor, Bryan Carstens, is a recipient of this year’s Distinguished Scholar Award. The Distinguished Scholar Awards are among the highest annual honors Ohio State bestows on a faculty…

Calinger-Yoak receives Award for Distinguished Teaching
EEOB Clinical Assistant Professor, Kellen Calinger-Yoak, received the Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer. All lecturers, senior lecturers and other associated faculty who…

Pfaff and Yuri receive ASC Outstanding Staff Award
Jenny Pfaff, Aquatic Ecology Laboratory Research Operations Analyst, and Tamaki Yuri, Museum of Biological Diversity Curator of the Tetrapod Collection, have been awarded 2024-2025 ASC Outstanding…

EEOB Publication - Berger-Wolf
Building Machine Learning Challenges for Anomaly Detection in ScienceElizabeth G. Campolongo, Yuan-Tang Chou, Ekaterina Govorkova, Wahid Bhimji, Wei-Lun Chao, Chris Harris, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Hilmar…

EEOB publication - Gutierrez and Hovick
Compounding negative effects of leaf litter absence and below ground competition from an invasive spring ephemeral...Grace Gutierrez and Stephen Hovick. DOI:10.22541/au.173711012.24594636/v1
Muñoz-Garcia's research featured in On Campus
EEOB Associate Professor, Agus Muñoz-Garcia, was recently featured in On Campus and OSU Mansfield's webpage. His lab's work with cockroaches provides insight into how organisms allocate resources…

EEOB Publication - Jarzyna & Berger-Wolf
Harnessing artificial intelligence to fill global shortfalls in biodiversity knowledgeLaura J. Pollock, Justin Kitzes, Sara Beery, Kaitlyn M. Gaynor, Marta A. Jarzyna, Oisin Mac Aodha, Bernd Meyer…

EEOB Student explores ecology impacts in Norway
In a remote Norwegian field station, Erin Murray spent a month with a research team studying the impacts of noise from a nearby offshore windfarm upon key species of the local aquatic food chain.…

EEOB publication - Bruckerhoff
New Distributional Record of the Federally Threatened Rabbitsfoot (Theliderma Cylindrica) Mussel in OklahomaHunter M. Torolski, James M. Long, Robert C. Lonsinger, Lindsey A. Bruckerhoff.…