EEOB Publication - Bruckerhoff

September 6, 2024

EEOB Publication - Bruckerhoff

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Updated Distribution for Two Freshwater Mussel Species of Conservation Concern in Oklahoma
Hunter M. Torolski, James M. Long, Robert C. Lonsinger, Lindsey A. Bruckerhoff. Southeastern Naturalist, 23(3):N44-N49 (2024).

Qualitative and quantitative sampling efforts in the Verdigris River, OK (upstream of Lake Oologah), yielded new distributional records of 2 freshwater mussel species of conservation need: Cyprogenia aberti (Western Fanshell) and Ptychobranchus occidentalis (Ouachita Kidneyshell). The Ouachita Kidneyshell has not been documented alive during a scientific survey in the Oklahoma portion of the Verdigris River in nearly 100 years. Our observations extend the known distribution for the Western Fanshell further downstream into Oklahoma by ∼36 river km. These findings indicate an expansion in the known range and potential improvement in the populations of 2 imperiled mussel species, contrary to the prevailing global trend of mussel population decline.