EEOB Publication - Klompen

June 24, 2024

EEOB Publication - Klompen

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Novel Rickettsia and host records for argasid ticks, including Alveonasus cooleyi, on wild mammals in Baja California, Mexico.

Andrés M. López-Pérez, Laura Backus, Lorenza Beati, Hans Klompen, Francesca Rubino & Janet Foley. Exp Appl Acarol (2024).


We conducted surveillance of mammals to investigate their associations with argasid ticks and tick-borne pathogens. During 2021, a total of 20 wild carnivores and 57 lagomorphs were sampled, and 39 argasid ticks belonging to two species were collected. All mammals and ticks were tested by molecular assays to detect Borrelia and Rickettsia infections. Nine ticks identified as Otobius megnini were collected from two coyotes (Canis latrans) and 30 Alveonasus cooleyi (McIvor 1941) were collected from six bobcats (Lynx rufus) and one rabbit (Sylvilagus auduboni). We detected Rickettsia spp. DNA in 21 of the 27 (77.8%) tested Av. cooleyi and none of the O. megnini. No ticks were PCR-positive for borreliae and all mammals were PCR-negative for both pathogen genera. Phylogenetic analysis based on gltA, htrA, and 16 S rRNA targets revealed that all rickettsiae from Av. cooleyi clustered with ancestral group rickettsiae, likely representing a novel species of possibly endosymbiotic Rickettsia. The significance of Av. cooleyi and the newly identified Rickettsia sp. to the health of wildlife is unknown, and further work is indicated to determine whether they may be relevant to public health or carnivore conservation.