EEOB Publication - Ludsin

November 12, 2024

EEOB Publication - Ludsin

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The Ecosystem Approach in the 21st Century: Guiding Science and Management – A Synthesis

Ludsin S.A., Carlson A.K., Duncan A.T., Febria C.M., Hartig J.H., Kellogg W.A., Minns C.K., Munawar M., Nolan S., Van der Knaap M., Verhamme E.M., Williams K.C. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 27(2):108-116 (2024)

Maintaining the integrity and health of aquatic ecosystems is critical to sustaining the many valued services that they provide society. Unfortunately, achieving this goal has proven challenging in most of the world's large ecosystems owing to rampant environmental change caused by human-driven stress, including accelerating climate change, pollution of waterways, habitat modification and destruction, and the continued spread of non-native species (He and Silliman, 2019; Jenny et al., 2020; Smith et al., 2015; Steffen et al., 2007). These stressors, which can also include purposeful management actions (e.g. nutrient and fisheries management), are presenting a grave challenge globally to efforts aimed at securing a sustainable future for nature, society, and the economy.