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Tiger Beetle specimen data transcription on Notes from Nature

January 17, 2023

Tiger Beetle specimen data transcription on Notes from Nature

triple horn graphic

The second round of tiger beetle specimen data transcription is up on Notes from Nature, an online platform where citizen scientists from around the world can collaborate with museums and museum based research projects to transcribe specimen label data. https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/md68135/notes-from-nature-an-inordinate-fondness-for-beetles

This project is part of a 3 year NSF funded grant to complete the curation of the beetle holdings of the Triplehorn collection.

Please consider joining in as a volunteer data transcriber. More info about the beetle curation project and this citizen science initiative in particular can be found on our website: https://u.osu.edu/pinningblock/projects/beetle-curation/

Also, please check out two recent blog posts about the project:

Enter the tiger beetles: the Schultz collection


This is how we do it: the nitty-gritty of beetle curation.
