Updates from the Augustine Lab

August 5, 2017

Updates from the Augustine Lab

Augustine Lab at the AOS SCO meeting
EEOB Associate Professor, Jackie Augustine, PhD student, Geoff Gould, and 3 undergraduates, attended the joint conference of the American Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists in East Lansing, MI. Two undergraduates, Adnan Siddique and Stephanie Hempfling, presented talks during the Undergraduate Symposium and Erin Place presented a poster. Geoff and Dr. Augustine gave talks during the general sessions.
Titles are as follows:
Jackie Augustine: Using robots to conduct behavioral research: a case study of species recognition in prairie‐chickens
Geoff Gould: Not another drab grouse ‐ mate choice and the role of color in the Lesser Prairie‐Chicken
stephanie presenting talk
Stephanie Hempfling: The effect of diet on avian cecum size and intestinal absorbency rate
adnan presenting
Adnan Siddique: The effect of diet on avian cecum size and intestinal absorbency rate
Erin Place: Variation in organ size between migratory and non‐migratory birds
Follow Dr. Augustine on Twitter [@osuprairiechick]!