

dog-eared EEOB graphic reveals word publication on following page

EEOB publication - Pennock

Capture–translocation restores spawning migration connectivity of Razorback Suckers in the fragmented San Juan River

Matthew R. Bogaard, Keith B. Gido, Mark C. McKinstry, Casey A. Pennock, Adam…

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EEOB publication - Pennock

Wood you believe it? Experimental addition of nonnative wood enhances instream habitat for native dryland fishes

BJ Miller, MC McKinstry, P Budy, CA Pennock. River Research and Applications, 2024.…

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EEOB Publication - Freudenstein

1100. Corallorhiza trifida Châtel.: Orchidaceae

Michael F. Fay, Reinhild Raistrick, John V. Freudenstein. 2024. Curtis's Botanical Magazine.


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EEOB Publication - Freudenstein & Broe

Phylogenetic Relationships within Monotropoideae (Ericaceae): Implications for Taxonomy and Character Evolution

John V. Freudenstein; Michael B. Broe. 2024. Systematic Botany.



NSF hosts Berger-Wolf

The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently hosted a distinguished lecture by EEOB professor and pioneering figure in the emerging field of Imageomics, Tanya Berger-Wolf.

The event, part…

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EEOB Publication - Marschall

Population life-history differences and their correlates across a regional spatial scale in largemouth bass (Micropterus nigricans)

Rachael E. Finigan, Elizabeth A. Marschall. Ecol Freshw Fish.…

nate shoots holding box of mussels in front of CEMAS

Shoobs' research featured in "OnCampus" and on CEMAS website

Nate Shoobs, curator of mollusks and crustaceans at The Ohio State University’s Museum of Biological Diversity (MBD), uses the Heliscan to perform micro computed-tomography (microCT) to see inside…

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EEOB Publication - Klompen

Novel Rickettsia and host records for argasid ticks, including Alveonasus cooleyi, on wild mammals in Baja California, Mexico.

Andrés M. López-Pérez, Laura Backus, Lorenza Beati, Hans Klompen,…

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EEOB Publication - Hovick

Suppression of reed canarygrass by assisted succession: A sixteen-year restoration experiment

Kattia Palacio-Lopez, Stephen M. Hovick, Kali Z. Mattingly, Leah M. Weston, Nathaniel P. Hofford, Logan…