

dog-eared EEOB graphic reveals word publication on following page

EEOB publication - Bennett

Soil microbiota and herbivory drive the assembly of tomato plant-associated microbial communities through different mechanisms

Antonino Malacrinò & Alison E. Bennett. Communications Biology…

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EEOB Publication - Hood

Environmental warming increases the importance of high-turnover energy channels in stream food webs

James R Junker, Wyatt F Cross, James M Hood, Jonathan P Benstead, Alexander D Huryn, Daniel…

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EEOB Publication - Denlinger

Trade-offs between Winter Survival and Reproduction in Female Insects

Megan E Meuti, Lydia R Fyie, Maria Fiorta, David L Denlinger. 2024. Integrative and Comparative Biology, icae027, https://doi.…

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EEOB Publication - Carter & Hamilton

Hierarchically embedded scales of movement shape the social networks of vampire bats

C. Raven A. Hartman, Gerald S. Wilkinson, Imran Razik, Ian M. Hamilton, Elizabeth A. Hobson and Gerald G. Carter…


Geisse receives Graduate Student Award for Mentoring Excellence

Alissa Geisse, EEOB graduate student in the Adams Megalomyrmex lab received the 2023-2024 College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Student Award for Mentoring Excellence. This award honors a student…


Daly is AAAS Fellow

Meg Daly, professor of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology and associate dean of undergraduate education was elected to the 2023 class of American Association for the Advancement of…

tetrapod specimens

NSF Grant for the Tetrapods Collection at MBD

EEOB Professor and Chair Bryan Carstens and collection curator Tamaki Yuri have received an NSF Collections Improvement Award for $474,462. This project will replace all the obsolete metal and…

headshot of sabree

Sabree receives NSF award to use machine learning to study gut microbiomes

EEOB Associate Professor Zakee Sabree, in collaboration with TDAI Director and Professor Tanya Berger-Wolf and Statistics Professor Asuman Turkmen, has received a four year NSF award for $1,234,…

Tod Steussy

Steussy publishes book on Robinson Crusoe Islands

EEOB Emeritus Professor Tod Stuessy has published a book describing his many field trips to the isolated Robinson Crusoe Islands 400 miles off the coast of Chile over 40 years of field work…