Our Commitment

The commitment of EEOB faculty, staff, and students to DEIJ is evidenced by the breadth of activities in which our members participate. Below we provide examples of the many ways that our community works toward the principles advanced in our DEIJ Statement.

Journal and book clubs:

Spring 2018, Book Club: “Teaching Interculturally,” by Amy Lee (with Robert Poch, Katherine O’Brien, and Catherine Solheim)

Spring 2021, Book Club: “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do,” by Claude Steele

Spring 2022, Book Club: “Subtle Acts of Exclusion: How to Understand, Identify, and Stop Microaggressions,” by Tiffany Jana and Michael Baran

Seminar courses:

Autumn 2020, Seminar Course: “Structural racism in evolution & ecology” (EEOB 8896)

Spring 2024, Seminar Course: “Inclusive teaching in the biological sciences” (EEOB 8896)


Autumn 2023:  One-day Workshop on Inclusive Teaching, presented by Dr. Kellen Calinger-Yoak

Additional activities of our faculty, staff, and students include:

  • Building a Better Fieldwork Future
  • The Kirwan Institute’s training on Implicit Bias
  • 2021 NSF Active Learning for Busy Skeptics and True Believers Workshop
  • AAC&U TIDES (Teaching to Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM) Institute
  • Ally training at the Animal Behavior Society meeting
  • Training through the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER)
  • Training through OSU’s  Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI)
  • Training through OSU’s Drake Institute
  • Increasing Inclusivity – Bias Awareness in Academia - American Society of Mammalogists  
  • Undoing Unproductive Thinking  (OSU workshop)
  • Decolonizing Evolution workshop at the Evolution meeting (virtual) 
  • Include is a Verb: How Allyship Makes Inclusion a Reality - American Society of Mammalogists
  • OSU's National Conference on Diversity, Race, and Learning (held annually)
  • CLSE Book Club, Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad
  • Better Research through Better Mentoring, OSU’s Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
  • Ohio State University Institute for Teaching and Learning (UITL) Endorsement
  • OSU Safe Zone Training (Office of Student Life)
  • Navigating Difficult DEI Conversations - workshop presented by Sophia Antoun, OAA Inclusive Excellence
  • Women in STEM cluster - OSU-Mansfield (funded by OSU Center for Feminist Research, Education, and Engagement [FREE] grant)
  • AAUW Start Smart: Negotiating Your Next Career Steps - Workshop presented by The Women's Place at OSU