Stuart A. Ludsin
492 Aronoff Laboratory
318 W. 12th Ave.
Columbus, OH
Areas of Expertise
- Fish Population and Community Ecology Emphasis
- Aquatic Ecology
- Ph.D. The Ohio State University (2000)
- M.S. Auburn University (1994)
- B.S. Miami University (1992)
My research explores mechanisms that regulate fish population and community structure and dynamics, as well as food web interactions, in both freshwater and marine ecosystems. Typically, I have sought to apply my research to resource management problems such that agencies can make informed decisions about the environment. Overall, my research encompasses three broad but interconnected areas: 1) fish recruitment and early life-history; 2) stock discrimination and population connectivity; and 3) anthropogenic impacts on aquatic ecosystems.
To learn more, visit the Ludsin Lab page.