Demetra Williams

Demetra Williams rowing boat

Demetra Williams

Ph.D. Program


  • B.S. in Biological Sciences, Cornell University
Advisor: Stuart Ludsin
Intended Research: My research seeks to understand the degree to which dam removal can affect downstream lake populations, specifically, how a dam removal on a main Lake Erie tributary has affected walleye (Sander vitreus) recruitment and spawning behavior. The Sandusky River is a river that feeds into Lake Erie and is an important spawning tributary for walleye. In 2018, the Ballville Dam, located on the Sandusky River, was brought down. My research objectives include quantifying walleye spawner movements before and after dam removal, and quantifying changes in recruitment and contributions to Lake Erie's adult population. To do this, I will be employing multiple techniques, including acoustic telemetry and otolith microchemistry.