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Geographic source of bats killed at wind-energy facilities in the eastern United States

Jamin G. Wieringa​, Juliet Nagel, C.J. Campbell, David M. Nelson, Bryan C. Carstens, H. Lisle Gibbs. PeerJ 12…

Biotic and thermal drivers alter zooplankton phenology in western Lake Erie

Jenna Bailey, James M. Hood. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 2024. Link to article.


Environmental change…

Dental complexity and diet in amniotes: A meta-analysis

Anessa C. DeMers, John P. Hunter. PloS one 2024. Link to article.


Tooth morphology is among the most well-studied indicators of…

Fire season and time since fire determine arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal trait responses to fire

Jacob R. Hopkins, Thomas P. McKenna & Alison E. Bennett. Plant Soil (2024). Link to article.

Platygastroidea in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History:  taxonomic updates and a photographic catalog of type specimens

Elijah J. Talamas, Jessica Awad, Francesco Tortorici, Norman…

Body size is a better predictor of intra- than interspecific variation of animal stoichiometry across realms  

Mark P. Nessel, Olivier Dézerald, Julian Merder, Karl Andraczek, Ulrich Brose,…

Declining reservoir elevations following a two-decade drought increase water temperatures and non-native fish passage facilitating a downstream invasion

Eppehimer, D.E., Yackulic, C.B., Bruckerhoff…

Between the months of October and November, Associate Professor Dr. Rachelle Adams and Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Livia Pires do Prado, from the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal…

Flower morphology variation in Five species oF Penstemon (plantaginaceae) displaying hymenoptera pollination syndrome

Rosa A. Rodríguez-Peña1 and Andrea D. WolFe. Botanical Sciences 101 (1): 217-…